Chicken Mulligatawny Soup
You may be familiar with mulligatawny soup from Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi episode. But, if you’ve never actually tasted this amazing soup, let me describe its deliciousness by borrowing from the show:
Yummy in your tummy
You may be familiar with mulligatawny soup from Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi episode. But, if you’ve never actually tasted this amazing soup, let me describe its deliciousness by borrowing from the show:
I don’t even know how it happened. After arriving at my parent’s house, talk about the turkey day meal soon ensued. We talked turkey, we talked stuffing, we talked pie. And, by the end of it, my dad and I were somehow responsible for the turkey, the stuffing, and the gravy. I mean, I didn’t …
When I saw this recipe, I had to try it. Salt and vinegar potato chips are my all time favorite, and I’ll often forgo the ketchup with my fries and use salt and malted vinegar instead. Now that I think about it, this all might stem from a couple months spent in New Zealand in …
I did it! After five days of intense writing, I finished the written part of my preliminary exams. Given the months of studying, not eating as healthy as I would have liked, and fitting in exercise only here and there, I had been looking forward to having more time to take care of myself.
I must have led a pretty sheltered life. I had heard the term snickerdoodle, but never knew what it, or one, was. And I never even had any desire to find out. Without knowing what it was, I thought it was some goofy treat that only kids would like. I mean no adult called that …
I’m in the middle of studying for my preliminary exams. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, preliminary exams are a rite of passage for all PhD students where your advisory committee can ask you just about anything under the sun in your area of study. I mean literally anything. Given …
Okay, as a scientist, I have to say that the research is still inconclusive on chicken soup and colds. But there is some evidence to support this home remedy. A few studies have shown it to have a slightly increased effect on reducing snottiness and stuffiness than just hot water — or nothing at all. …
Okay, so I know this recipe is from my mom, and your mom’s is probably different. Maybe hers were the flat crispy kind of chocolate chip cookie, or the gigantic cake-y ones. But, in my book, these are the quintessentially perfect chocolate chip cookie.
For two summers, right out of college, I lived in a little Alaskan town called Cordova. It is nestled right at the edge of the Chugach Mountains, before they, and the Copper River, spill into Prince William Sound. Because you can only get there by boat or by plane, it is the quintessential small Alaskan …